9 - 17 May, Split Croatia

Race online

2015-05-15 13:42:34 First boats just passed the finishing line: 1st Josh Junior, 2nd Kljakovic-Gaspic and 3rd Foglia
2015-05-15 13:40:40 First 28 on the 2nd Mark1
2015-05-15 13:33:15 First on the 2nd Mark 1 is NZL 24 Junior, follows URU 301 Foglia, 3rd Kljakovic-Gaspic, 4th Zbogar and 5th CRO 1 Olujic
2015-05-15 13:28:42 RC reduced the race area, with 21kn of south-east sailors are approaching to the 2nd Mark 1 of R6, fleet lead NZL 24
2015-05-15 13:20:50 First 66 Finns on the gate of R6
2015-05-15 13:14:25 Here are first 36 on the 1st Mark 1
2015-05-15 12:53:44 Postma flying on the waves, R5.
2015-05-15 12:43:23 We got a regular start of R6 without UFD and with Oscar up. Well done guys!
2015-05-15 12:34:46 RC will be ready in 5 minutes for starting procedure of R6. Wind from direction 110 has strength of 22 kn, sea current 38m/min.
2015-05-15 12:07:27 And we got first on the finish line: 1st Postma, 2nd Wright, 3rd Cornish, 4th Kljakovic-Gaspic, 5th Zbogar.
2015-05-15 12:06:05 First on the 2nd Mark 1 entered: 1st Postma, 2nd Cornish, 3rd Wright, 4th Kljakovic-Gaspic and 5th CAN 110 Robitaille
2015-05-15 11:49:22
2015-05-15 11:45:23 Finns are already on the Gate: 1st still Postma, follows Cornish, 3rd Wright, 4th CRO 524 Kljakovic Gaspic, 5th SLO 573 Zbogar, 6th CRO 69 Vujasinovic
2015-05-15 11:43:10 We got first 54 on Mark1
2015-05-15 11:34:10 First Finns just arrived on the Mark 1: 1st Postma, 2nd Cornish, 3rd TUR 21 Kaynar, 4th GBR 11 Wright and 5th CRO 69 Vujasinovic
2015-05-15 11:15:45 We got regular first start of R5. RC decided to start with U flag. Two boats got UFD: NED 842 PJ Postma and GBR 91 Cornish.
2015-05-15 11:05:21 Orange flag is up, also Oscar - pumping is allowed.
2015-05-15 10:51:47 Good day to everyone! RC and competitors are already on the race area Alpha, just in front of the island Ciovo. On the sea blows strong south-east Jugo, with strength of average 20 kn, direction 115 and with sea current of 33 m/s. RC still preparing LA2. Seems that schedule starting procedure for 11:00 hrs will be just in time.
2015-05-14 14:44:48 RC decided to raise Alpha flag, competitors are sent to land. No more sailing for today.
2015-05-14 14:22:05 AP flag is up, wind changed, there is not enough knots for another race, waiting for better weather condition.
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